More from less and cleaner.

For us the beauty of jewelry is not only external sparkle. As a jewellery manufacturer, in addition to high quality, we also consider it importance to act responsibly towards the environment and people into account. Respect towards nature and human well-being are everything to us. We want our activities to take into account environmental legislation as well as ethical and moral perspective of whether the material of origin, the welfare of workers, manufacturing process, or waste secondary processing. To guide our action for sustainable development one of the basic principle of "more from less and more cleanly". This is reflected, for example materials recycling or waste materials in minimising. This is not just a mere selling point, but for us it is natural and the only right way to do it. Therefore, we use almost 100% recycled gold in Festive jewelry. In the manufacturing process also the precious metal powder is collected, sent to be cleaned and will be re-introduced. We also buy gold from consumers, which is recycled and purified for reuse in our jewelry.

Jewellery materials, such as gold and diamonds are natural materials, so it is clear that their way to the jewelry puts some strain on nature. High-quality produced jewelry, however, are very ecological in the sense that they are sustainable and they are also easy to recycle . Often gold jewelry is inherited from generation to generation and at least the material is often recycled to reuse.

For us ecology and sustainability is a matter of the heart, which is an important part of the beautiful whole.